Monday, April 25, 2016

Good night, my supernova

I miss this feeling, #CampingUnderTheStars 

Last night before sleeping, I can't help but notice a star near the illuminating moon. Fixing my sight to it, I see a dot brighter than the rest. At first I thought it was an airplane until I realized it was motionless.
I remember reading before that when a star reaches its last evolutionary stage, it will shine at its brightest
until it explodes and fades. Was last night a supernova experience?

As I gaze upon the star and the sky, I can't help but imagine what is out there. My fantasies about aliens and astrology relived. I believe that there are great things out there beyond what the eyes can see. I just can't wait to be part of it in some way. Experiencing it first hand would be a bliss that I will never be able to explain into words.

Snap back to reality. My time is running out. Beside me is my son who clings to me wherever I go. Who seeks my attention in every way possible. Who will benefit from my decisions in terms of career choice, fulfillment of my moral obligations and my nationalistic goals.

Metaphorically associating myself to a star, I do feel that my light curve is currently exposed to subsequent
radioactive heating these past few months. (Aside from the fact that there is El Nino in the Philippines this season)

There have been stressful life events that led me into venturing different endeavors. And these events taught
me to evolve and radiate in a different light. I am hoping for the best for myself and for my son. It would take a light-year until I can say that he is covered. My last stellar evolution is yet to burst.
By that time comes, it'll be my supernova experience.


Ann Leebeck said...

Yesterday was its 3rd day. Hope to see you tonight. :)

Ann Leebeck said...

I did not see you tonight due to the cloudy weather... the moon was also hiding behind the clouds. Keeping the faith on seeing you tomorrow. :)

Ann Leebeck said...

i guess it is good bye... :'(