Sunday, June 11, 2017

Too Early For Christmas

While I was cleaning up my desktop computer with all the junk saved documents, I came across with this file. I can't remember what was this for. But I can sense that I was happy writing it. I believe this can be applicable even if it is not yet Christmas. Looking back on what I wrote, I miss being me. I wish I could meet a Fairy Godmother (or a Goblin, haha since I've finished watching 16 episodes of it) who can grant me some wishes. Or maybe this is just a reminder for me to see Jesus and Mama Mary since it is a Sunday. Before Miguel goes back to school on Tuesday, I am singing this familiar tune again! "It's so little time so much to do, I'd rather spend my days with you. It's so little time so much to do, I'd like to spend one day with you. And if that day is not enough maybe we can stay in touch. But I'm not making plans for tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes." 

Well, enjoy reading and let us all find our passion starting today! :)

October 17, 2015 at 5:56 PM

What is your Christmas wish list for yourself?

This year, our Christmas will be totally different compared to the past Christmases we have celebrated.
It will be different materially and emotionally.
I have been working for the past 11 years under a BPO Industry, and this means, graveyard shifts and shifts even on a holiday.
This year, 2015, I chose and decided on what will benefit my son and my family.
I ended my career in the BPO Industry on June 8, 2015 and chose to be a stay-at-home mom.
This also ended my never ending itch to buy anything that I see in the bazaars, late night and early morning trips to different kinds of fast food chains to eat, and my body clock adjusting itself to sleep in midday so I can wake up and drag myself for another 1:00 AM Shift the next day.
I am happy to say that I am not confused any more with the days and which time zone I am in.
I learned to cook and to prepare my son’s school needs, which is really a big salutation for my mom since she was doing it in our behalf for more than 8 years! I never imagined how difficult it was until I have experienced it myself. Come to think of it, she has been doing those things since we were a kid as well as with her grandchild. You are the most caring and organize, Mama!
Physically, it has been really exhausting (Take note, it has only been 4 months since I chose to be hands-on with everything at home, argh!)

But at the end of the day, my reward awaits.

I am informed first-hand about my son’s adventures and misadventures in school, I am able to make him eat vegetables (Whoohoo) and it is nice to hear whether it is true or just make believe that all of my cooked dishes taste good on him, Ha ha! And to wrap it up, we go to sleep together at night, before 9:00 PM, after I put on powder on his back, after we say our prayers, with never ending guesses who will say “Good Night” and “Eat-Dreams” first or simultaneously until he falls asleep.
Honestly, letting my husband alone to work and produce money for our family nowadays is the biggest risk I have ever made.

The lifestyle we used to have when both of us were working was comfortable materially for us.
But the fulfillment I get to experience and to improve my mommy-duties (and myself as a whole) cannot be repaid with a specific monetary compensation. (Perhaps, if my hourly rate will be $1 Million, I’ll think about it)

So this Christmas, all I want for myself is to have more strength, courage and positivity to do anything for my family. Every day is a training ground and a test of my patience and understanding, and accounting skills as well.

What are your Christmas gift ideas for your loved ones this year?

Well, since I have more time at home now, did I mention we make personalized T-Shirts and Jackets?
Since we still have a stock of plain shirts at home, I am going to finally print them their much awaited personalized shirt rolled into one. In time for their birthday, Christmas and New Year!

How do you plan to give back to others this Christmas?

Every day is a blessing. And with my own schedule, I can render my services any time of the day.
I feel I need to catch up on a lot of things. First is to organize and clean the house. We have a lot of unused and in well – conditioned items. I believe there are others out there who need it most. Secondly, I need to get started with the layout and design for the personalized T-Shirts. And while I prepare and buy the materials I would need, I can also check this out as an added token for my Christmas gift ideas:
I have no clue of what was I supposed to say that time. I am not sure why I did not finish it. Maybe something or somebody interrupted me and I forgot I was working on this.