Love is like waiting for a bus. When the bus
comes, you look at it and you say to yourself
" full....cannot sit down, I'll wait for
the next one."
So you let the bus go and waited for the second
bus. Then the second bus came, you looked at it
you said, "eeee...this bus is so shabby!"
So you let the bus go and again, decided to wait
for the next bus.
After a while another bus came, it's not crowded,
not old but you said, "eeee...not air conditioned
...better wait for the next one." So again you
let the bus go and decided to wait for the next
Then the sky started to get dark as it was
getting late. You panicked and jumped immediately
inside the next bus. It is not until much later that
you found out that you had boarded the wrong bus!
And you wasted your time and money just to get
into the wrong one!
Even if an air conditioned bus comes, you can't
ensure that the air conditioned bus won't break
down or whether or not the airconditioner will
be too cold for you.
Wanting to get what you want is not wrong. But it
wouldn't hurt to give other people a chance. If
you find that the "bus" doesn't suit you just
press the red button and get off the bus! Hey, who
said life is fair??? The best thing to do is be
observant and open-minded. If it doesn't suit you,
get off.
I'm sure you've had this experience before. You
saw a bus coming (the bus you want of course). You
flagged it but the driver acted as if he did not
see you and zoomed pass you! It just wasn't meant
for you!
The bottom line is, being loved is like waiting
for a bus you want. Getting on the bus and
appreciating the bus by giving it a chance depends
totally on you. If you haven't made any choice,
Walking is like being single. The good side of it
is you can still choose any bus you want...the
rest who couldn't afford another ride would just
have to be content with the bus they rode on, ugly
or not.
Also, sometimes it is better to choose a bus you
are already familiar with rather than to gamble
with a bus that is unfamiliar to you. But then
again, life wouldn't be complete without the risks
But there is one bus that I failed to tell you
about.- the Bus you do not have to wait for, the
Bus that will stop on its own and ask you if you
wish to come inside, then take you for a joy ride
for the rest of your life.
Hope you get to ride on that bus! :)
Chances And Choices
> When we meet the right person to love, at the
> right place, at the right time...That's chance.
> When you meet someone you're attracted to, that's
> not a choice...That's chance.
> Being caught up in a moment (and there's a lot of
> couples who get together because of this) is not a
> choice, that's also chance.
> The difference is, what happens afterward?
> When will you take that infatuation, that crush,
> that mind-blowing attraction to the next level?
> That's when all sanity goes back, you sit down
> and then contemplate whether you want to make this
> into a concrete relationship or just a fling.
> If you decide to love the person, even with his
> faults, that's not chance...That's choice.
> When you choose to be with a person no matter
> what, that's choice.
> Even if you know there are many people out there
> who are more attractive,smarter, and richer than
> your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate
> just the same, that's choice.
> Infatuation, crushes, attraction comes to us by
> chance.
> But true love that last is truly a choice. A
> choice that we make.
> Regarding soulmates, there's a beautiful movie
> quote that I believe is so true about this--
> "Fate brings you together, but it's still up to
> you to make it happen."
> I do believe that soulmates do exist. That there
> is truly someone made for you.
> But it's still up to you to make the choice if
> you're going to do something about it or not.
> We may meet our soulmates by chance, but loving
> and staying with our soulmate is still a choice
> we have to make.
> "there's magic in believing..."
> " . . . do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
> will worry about itself.
> Each day has enough trouble of its own.
> After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about
> yesterday. "
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