can't wait to hear this! i wanna have a copy!!! hopefully soon! :)
(cross my fingers!)
to read the full bio written by Brandon
Boyd himself here is the link:
every single thing he perceived about this solo album hit me straight to the heart.
he really never fails to amaze me!
all the words and realization uncovered me again, for me to start anew...
to appreciate what i have become, "the way i am" today.
a lot of things happened in my life (as you noticed, the last time i dropped by was back in 2008?!) and i'm glad this blog that i started to help me heal myself from the wounds of sorrow and pain has endured the years of idleness and surprisingly still up and running up to this point, waiting to feed on the left overs of my exhausting day...
hopefully, i can still find the time to serve you of those left overs since i mentioned its an "exhausting day" already from all the talking and typing, blah, blah, blah! and now at home, still doing the same old thing :D
i'm just glad that after all those changes that had transpired in my life, there are some things i thought i already completely lost and i was meant to believe that loosing them made me less of a person today.
while they are just waiting in the corner for me, ready to catch me again when all else fail. :)
looking back on all the things i said on this blog, really made me think twice, did i really compose those thoughts before?! i just can't remember it any more!?
i need back that self confidence, that positivity in me that i think got into a coma! ;p
i really do not want to end this now, i miss this feeling, this moment...
but no matter how i convince myself, its not the same any more...
more responsibilities, priorities, more people who need me to stay alive and kicking! managing well my time for a better health, better life and future.
at least i know you are here and that i can still get a chance to have a time off with you even just once in a while :)
thanks so much for sticking up with me! :)
ta ta for now! :D